What Are The Causes Of Baldness?
What Exactly Is Balding? Typically, after you shampoo or oil your hair, you lose some hair. But if you experience hair fall at a faster rate than usual, that’s an indication of balding. Balding is a commonly used term for androgenetic alopecia or male or female pattern hair loss. Genetics and the natural ageing process
Stats You Should Know About Hair Loss
It is needless to mention how protective and concerned we are about our hair. That being said, facing the problem of hair loss can be dramatically dreadful to a person’s mental and physical outlook. It can cause severe anxiety and stress and lack of confidence. Different individuals have their specific reasons for which they think
Restore Thinning or Receding Hairline With FUE Hair Transplant
The Introduction It is not uncommon for men to have a receding hairline. In fact, as men age, their hairline starts to recede. However, this usually happens when men approach the age of thirty or forty. Sadly, these days men are complaining of receding hairline from as young as the age of seventeen! Therefore men
What Is Chemical Peel?
A chemical peel is a new concept in town. It has gained popularity in a relatively low time frame, and people recommend it because of its effective results. Let us know about various types of chemical peels in detail and see how they can change your skincare routine. What is a chemical peel? You may
महिलाओं में बाल झड़ने के कारण
इस आधुनिक समय में महिलाओं में बाल झड़ने की समस्या का होना एक बहुत ही आम समस्या है पर साथ ही देखा जाए तो महिलाओं में बाल झड़ने के सिर्फ़ एक नहीं बल्कि कई अलग अलग कारण हो सकते हैं। बीमारी से लेकर हार्मोनल बदलाव या फिर तनाव तक कुछ भी बाल झड़ने का कारण
Superfoods to Eat in case You’re Experiencing Hair Loss
Wondering what to eat to stop hair fall immediately? With the dynamic lifestyle and unbalanced diet, knowing what to eat for hair growth has increased importance amongst the youth. Therefore, below we list the foods to eat for hair loss prevention. Eggs Protein and biotin are the two nutrients that promote healthy hair growth, and