Common Mistakes to Avoid After a Hair Transplant

Hair transplant surgery has emerged as a popular cosmetic procedure for people suffering from hair thinning or balding. The procedure involves the transplantation of healthy hair follicles from an area with healthy hair growth to a hair-thinning or bald area.

The success of a hair transplant procedure will depend on factors like the condition of your scalp, your overall health, the skill of the hair transplant surgeon, and how well you take care of your hair and scalp after a hair transplant surgery.

The results of a hair transplant surgery may be impacted negatively due to some mistakes made by patients after the procedure. In this article, we will be discussing the common mistakes that should be avoided after a hair transplant procedure for the best treatment results.

Mistakes to Avoid Following a Hair Transplant Surgery

It is important to follow all the post-operative instructions provided by your surgeon after a hair transplant surgery to get optimal treatment results. The following common mistakes should be avoided after a hair transplant:

1. Not Following Post-Surgical Instructions

The surgeon will give specific post-operative instructions to have a quick and smooth recovery following hair transplant surgery.

Not following these instructions can lead to complications or even hair transplant failure.

2. Improper Sleeping Position

You should sleep with the head elevated at a 45-degree angle for the first one week after surgery. This is done to avoid swelling and help in rapid wound healing. 

Sleeping flat on the stomach or rubbing the new hairline against the pillow should be avoided. This can be done by sleeping on a recliner or covering yourself using a heavy blanket.

3. Scratching the Head or Showering

You should avoid washing your hair for the first 48 hours after hair transplant surgery. You can gently do a hair wash on the third day after the surgery. Avoid washing your hair aggressively for at least five days after the surgery.

Always use a mild shampoo and avoid squeezing the shampoo directly on the scalp. Apply it on the scalp gently using your hands.

It is common to experience itchiness on the scalp region after a hair transplant surgery. Scratching of the newly transplanted hair follicles can lead to damage to the hair roots and prevent the growth of new hair. It is therefore important to avoid rubbing or scratching the transplanted area too hard.

4. Chemical Treatments and Hair Styling

Avoid chemical hair treatments, hair coloring, and hair styling products that can lead to hair follicle damage for six months after hair transplant surgery. 

Any type of exposure to chemicals or mechanical interference after a hair transplant can cause scalp inflammation, which can prevent hair growth.

5. Strenuous Activities

Engaging in strenuous physical activities after a hair transplant surgery can cause an increase in blood pressure, which can reduce the blood supply to the transplanted region and prevent new hair growth.

The doctor, therefore, recommends avoiding any strenuous physical activity for at least two weeks after a hair transplant surgery.

6. Alcohol Consumption and Smoking

Smoking and alcohol consumption can negatively affect the healing process after hair transplant surgery.

Alcohol consumption can lead to the dehydration of the body, which can make the process of healing slower. The nicotine present in cigarettes can decrease the blood flow to the scalp region, which prevents the grafts from getting adequate nutrients.

It is therefore recommended to quit smoking and alcohol consumption at least a couple of weeks before and after hair transplant surgery.

7. Direct Sun Exposure

Avoid exposing your scalp to direct sunlight for at least two weeks after a hair transplant surgery.

Direct exposure to sunlight after a hair transplant surgery can cause blood clot formation, which can decrease the blood supply to the hair follicles. This can negatively affect the growth of the transplanted hair and may even cause damage to the existing hair.

8. Fast Food Consumption

Fast and processed food is high in empty calories and low in nutrients. The growth of thick, soft, healthy, strong, sleek, and beautiful hair needs a lot of nutrients and it is therefore recommended to avoid fast food and consume a nutritious and healthy diet after a hair transplant surgery.

If you are not getting enough nutrients from your diet, you may need to take supplements prescribed by your doctor for a quick and smooth recovery after a hair transplant procedure.

9. Dehydration

It is essential to drink at least 10% more water than you usually consume to help you recover faster after hair transplant surgery and make you feel more comfortable. 

A good way to check that you are well-hydrated is by checking your urine color. The urine color should ideally be translucent to very pale yellow.


The aftercare following a hair transplant surgery plays an important role in determining the success of the procedure. Common mistakes like smoking, alcohol consumption, consumption of fast food, drinking less water, exposure to direct sunlight, scratching the scalp, shampooing of hair, performing strenuous activities, sleeping flat on the stomach, and not following the doctor’s post-operative instructions should be avoided to help in a quicker and smoother recovery following a hair transplant surgery.

ALCS Hair Transplant and Cosmetic Clinic, under the leadership of the internationally recognized Cosmetic Surgeon, Dr. Sunil Arora, specializes in hair restoration and cosmetic procedures. With a focus on quality, ALCS Clinic offers a range of Hair Transplantation and Cosmetic Surgery Services under one roof.

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