Is Gynecomastia Permanent?

What is gynecomastia, and is Gynecomastia permanent?

In the case of females, we expect the breast tissue to be soft and plentiful. But in the case of males, the breast tissue is supposed to be slimmer, tighter and toned. Even amongst men who are not athletic, the same thing is expected. Having excess breast tissue can lead to loss of self-esteem in men. Additionally, questions like is gyno a permanent condition that creates pressure and stress.

The condition is known as gynecomastia, and often men diagnosed with it isolate themselves. They sometimes tend to wear tight undergarments or layered clothes to hide the excess tissue. Thus, it makes us proud to say that we, ALCS Clinic, provide gynecomastia surgery for men professionally and in a caring manner and at an affordable cost.

Big Question- Is Gynecomastia Surgery Permanent?

It is natural to wonder how long the new changes will last. Will the surgery solve the excess tissue problem for good? Are there any chances of extra tissue returning after the initial treatment? Is gynecomastia a permanent condition? Of course, you would want a satisfactory and detailed answer for these.

Male breast reduction has two objectives – one, of sculpting the chest and the other, of long-lasting results. A detailed consultation and assessment are our pre-requisites for delivering a performance that matches our patients’ needs. In some cases, the development of too much breast tissue is the problem, while sometimes breast glands are included in the issue. ALCS Clinic ensures quality results for each patient by extensively checking the involvement during the initial consultation itself.

Talking about the question, ‘is gyno a permanent condition that can recur?’ The most common and primary reason for the expansion of breast tissue is weight gain. Fat deposits are likely to set on the chest of any man who gains a sufficient amount of weight. An increase in estrogen dominance is the secondary reason after weight.

Estrogen dominance is related to the hormonal imbalance that can happen with the natural ageing process and the onset of andropause. In every case where weight plays a role, it is necessary to know that excess fat causes estrogen to rise.

What are the symptoms and causes of gynecomastia?

Following are the signs of gynecomastia-

  • Swollen breast tissue
  • Tenderness in breast

Seek doctor’s help if you experience the following-

  • Pain and tenderness
  • Swelling
  • Nipple discharge in either one or both the breasts

The causes of gynecomastia are listed below-

Any condition that blocks testosterone reduces its effect, or increases estrogen levels can be responsible for a decrease in the body’s testosterone levels. Several factors cause hormone imbalance, including the below-mentioned ones-

1. Natural hormonal changes

Male traits like muscles and body mass are controlled by testosterone, and estrogen controls female characteristics like the growth of breasts. It is common to consider estrogen as a female hormone, but men also produce it in very minimal quantities. Gynecomastia is caused when these estrogen levels in men are too high or out of balance with testosterone.

  • Infant Gynecomastia: More than half of the male children are born having enlarged breasts because of their mother’s estrogen. But is gynecomastia permanent once it occurs in infants? No! Within the two to three weeks after birth, this extra breast tissue disappears.
  • Gynecomastia during Puberty: The most commonly seen gynecomastia is during the puberty stage due to hormonal changes. In many cases, the excess tissue goes away without any treatment within six months to two years.
  • Adult Gynecomastia: During the age of 50 and 69, gynecomastia prevails yet again. At least one of every four men in this age group is affected by this health condition.

2. Health Conditions

The average balance of hormones can be affected by several health conditions which can lead to gynecomastia, including the following-

  • Ageing – Hormone changes associated with the natural ageing process can cause gynecomastia, especially in overweight men.
  • Hyperthyroidism – The condition in which the thyroid glands produce excess hormone thyroxine.
  • Hypogonadism – Conditions like Klinefelter syndrome or pituitary insufficiency interfere with testosterone levels and lead to gynecomastia.
  • Kidney Failure – Kidney failure is treated with dialysis, and around half of the patients experience gynecomastia due to hormonal changes it causes.
  • Tumours – Tumours, especially those involving the testes, adrenal glands or pituitary glands, can produce hormones that alter the balance of male-female hormones in the body.

If you are suffering from the condition and wondering ‘is gynecomastia permanent?’ or ‘am I stuck with it for a lifetime?’ visit the ALCS Clinic. We have the best doctors and consultants here who can help you deal with and treat the condition efficiently.

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