If you have undergone hair transplant surgery, you may be looking for aftercare tips. When you don’t follow hair transplant aftercare tips suggested by your healthcare provider, you may mess up the surgery results. You can have a look at the following aftercare tips to get optimal results.
Hair wash
Proper hair wash can limit the damage to the transplanted hair. It is a crucial hair transplant aftercare tip that can influence the results of hair transplant surgery. You can wash your hair by following these steps:
- Cover the transplanted hair with oil or lotion and leave it for 15-20 minutes. It softens the scabs and removes dried blood from the scalp. Wash your scalp with warm water by using special medical shampoo. Apply the shampoo gently on your scalp without rubbing or putting pressure.
- Pat your scalp gently with a paper towel. Use a moisturiser on your scalp until the scabs fall off your scalp.
- Shampoo your hair daily to remove the scabs and dried blood. You can do it for 7-10 days, and after 14 days, you can shampoo your hair as you like.
Always use medical shampoo on your scalp. If you use other hair care products, make sure they don’t contain silicone, perfume, and dyes. Again, it would be best to consult with your doctor.
Correct sleeping position
It is recommended not to apply pressure on the hair transplant site. You can keep your head elevated while sleeping. Use a few pillows to raise your head. You may use special pillows for the first 7-10 days after surgery. You can get these pillows from the hospital or clinic where you have undergone surgery. Do not apply excess pressure on your head, and make sure to follow this hair transplant aftercare tip precisely as suggested by your doctor.
Healing and recovery time
If you have undergone Follicular Unit Extraction, the healing is faster. You may experience numbness or soreness in the transplanted area, but that will recede with time. The visible scars will reduce after 7-10 days, and you may gain your normal appearance in about 10-15 days. Some patients may experience redness in the donor area.
Shaving after hair transplantation
It is recommended not to shave the transplant site for at least a month. You can shave the donor area after a week of operation. It is essential to note that the scabs in the donor area have cleared out before shaving.
Shock loss and re-growth of transplanted hair
You may lose some of the transplanted hair during the first 3-4 weeks. However, the lost hair starts to regrow after the 3rd month, and the re-growth rate stands at 30% at the end of the 5th month. After seven months, the re-growth rate rises to 60%. Thus, you can evaluate the success of the process after a year of operation.
Wearing hair accessories
Choosing the right hat for your scalp is the most crucial hair transplant aftercare tip.
It is recommended to wear a hat while going out in the sun. The cap protects your scalp from dust, sun rays, and other pollutants. In addition, the surgeon may provide you with a Panama-type hat. You are recommended to use that hat for the first five days after the operation. While choosing a new hat, it is recommended to use one that is not too tight on your scalp.
Physical activity
You can opt for light physical exercises or long walks. You can start regular workouts after ten days of the surgery. Take a shower after your workout routine to reduce the chances of infection in the hair transplant site. It is one of the most vital hair transplant aftercare tips that can help eliminate infections.
Scalp micro pigmentation and hair restoration
If you want to manipulate your scalp condition somehow, it is recommended to wait for at least three months after the surgery.
Alcohol consumption
Alcohol consumption lengthens the healing period. It is recommended not to sip alcohol for at least two weeks after surgery. Limit your alcohol consumption while you follow hair transplant aftercare tips.
Sun exposure
It is recommended to avoid sunlight in the first two weeks of the surgery. When you need to step out in the sun, use headwear to cover your scalp. Cover your head for at least six months whenever you are faced with direct sun exposure after the surgery.
These are a few hair transplant aftercare tips that you can follow to get the best results. In addition, you can choose ALCS Clinic for your hair transplant surgery.